We work differently. We work only for you. We are accountable to you and only your interests.
Our Formula For Your Success
Narrow focus + aligned incentives + deep expertise + small clientele
Narrow Focus
Independent, regulatory/contractual compliance audits with continual monitoring.
We don't provide other competing services to private security providers.
Aligned Incentives
We are guided by Three Things: You. Your interests. Your success.
Compensated by an airport or an airline.
Directly accountable to our clients - that airport or that airline.
No conlicts of interest. No competing priorities. No compromises.
Deep Expertise
We've assembled a powerfully effective combination of expertise and perspectives. We are former airport operators (ASC, Airport Security Director), regulators (TSA compliance instructors, National Civl Aviation Authority regulator to ICAO Annex 17 standards), TSA-regulated (SAFETY Act credentialed private security contractors), and subject matter academics.
Small Clientele
We've elected to limit our growth, self-imposing a cap on our client base to guarantee focus and success. We will discipline ourselves to an exclusively small, select circle of airport and airline clients. With a similarly small circle of like-minded, aligned experts.
Allegiance to you. Conviction. Impact. Integrity. No compromises.
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